
Leading Edge Methodology

emma methodology was designed and built from scratch to exacting specifications that ensure the highest standards of rigour and accuracy.  There are no compromises with outmoded legacy survey techniques and data.

People nowadays are far less willing and able than they once were to spend hours filling in doorstep surveys. emma respondents are continuously recruited throughout the year and complete the survey 7 days a week giving the most accurate data available on Monday to Friday and Weekend readership of news media and magazines. Completion is less burdensome as it can be done online at any time to suit people’s lifestyles. The survey allows for stop and start, it doesn’t need to be completed in one sitting.

How emma works

emma survey’s more than 40,000 Australians each year who are aged 14+ and are proficient English speakers. Monthly sample quotas and weighting of data according to Australian Bureau Statistics (ABS) population data allows the survey results to be accurately projected to the Australian 14+ population across the broadest range of demographic variables and geographic locations.

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Transparent & Independent

emma is powered by global research experts Ipsos and Nielsen. It is independently audited by Environmetrics and was designed with the input of the Media Federation of Australia.

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